Computer Virus/Trojan Shut Me Down.

Hello biker buds. I want to Post some motorcycle videos here on the Blog, so I was surfing the net to get some good ones. I found one I thought that would be cool to Post. I got a pop up asking if I wanted to down load a Video Codec, so I could view the video, I clicked no but some how it loaded anyway. This so called Codec crashed my computer. I used all my Virus/Trojan killers and could not kill this one.

This was over two weeks ago. I had a lot of stuff on the computer that I have not backed up. My bad. So with detailing bikes and trying to save the hard drive it took a long time to retrieve the files and get a new operating system loaded and running.

Today I finished, and I'm posting to let you all know what happened. I'm going to start posting again soon.

Biker Joe

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